This week, we learn about which states allow folks to grow their own and revisit the chanting of a particular pneumonic device for trigonometry, or is is geometry? Join Queenie and TT for much lightness and laughter.
Tag Archives: #midlife
Episode 10: Don’t be a drag: participate!
Queenie and TT talk about the most common method of cannabis delivery. They provide step-by-step instructions as they load a “cone” for the first time in order to avoid actually having to roll a joint, showing that don’t have to wait to take a drag and participate.
Episode 9: More, More, More…
More, more, more–how do you like it? In this episode, Queenie and TT sample infused seltzer and share the experience of visiting a new dispensary. Will TT strike out again during the Strain Quiz? Listen. Laugh. Learn.
Episode 8: It’s a sacrifice working day to day
Queenie and TT hit the road and, recording in the car, describe their visit to two dispensaries. They’ve also added a new show segment–What’s the Buzz?–that features a bit of CannaNews. Hear TT’s intense reaction to this week’s “Is it a strain, or a figment of Lynn’s brain?” Don’t forget to contact TT and Queenie with questions, ideas, and feedback!
Episode 7: But you can do something in between
After their trademark extensive research, TT and Queenie answer Marcie’s questions and respond to several women that “don’t know where to begin” exploring recreational cannabis. They provide some basics so that everyone will feel comfortable walking into a legal dispensary and not feel overwhelmed.
Episode 6: Push, Push in the Bush
In today’s episode, Queenie and TT answer the ‘paranoia conundrum’ and speak with Marcie about her cannabis questions. The conversation winds like a road in the Berkshire Mountains and things get a bit hairy. Listen, learn, and laugh!
Episode 5: You Can Ring My Bell, Anytime, Anywhere…
This week, Queenie and TT share feedback from listeners, talk about paranoia, and share information about the sexual benefits of recreational adult cannabis use, especially for women of a certain age who are looking to experience a little roll in zee hay and have their bells rung. Queenie also has a little trouble with a pen…light…pen. Tune in, learn, and laugh!
Episode 4: Party Here, Party There, Party Everywhere!
This week Queenie and TT speak with Leah Lawrence, creator/moderator of the “Ask a Budtender” Facebook page . . . we pursue the proactive planning for a perfectly pleasant and playful pot party that Pat will put on for her pals . . . Leah provides specific suggestions on how she would guide one in choosing a variety of cannabis products that may appeal to mid-life closet disco queens!
Later in the episode, we ask the question, “Can we determine in which episodes TT has consumed cannabis?” Clues may not be so easy to find, as we learn a little more about what makes Queenie and TT tick . . .
Happy Mother’s Day from Queenie and TT!
Episode 3: Where We Can Get Together
Queenie and TT chat with their dear old friend Patti, uh Marcie, no Pat– and they find out about her desire to have a cannabis permeated get-together with her close women friends to relax, laugh, and enjoy each other’s company. But, where and how does one begin? Patti’s questions are familiar to many of us as we peek out of the closet. Join us!
Episode 2: Rock on with your bad self
Queenie and TT welcome their first midlife cannabis queen, Susan . . . find out what Susan is desperately looking for . . . is it the confidence to assert oneself and say, “I like to get high!” or does she just want someone to believe that she hiked Helen Mirren over a barricade on a certain day in Manhattan? Listen and find out . . . .