S2, E20: Mulva and the Magic Pointer

TT’s innocent decorated shell turns into…well, an instructive tool. Queenie and TT record their show from the beautiful beach of North Truro where they share their observations of the beach, including tides, shell collections, sea life, and birds. They then discuss a bill introduced by Republican Chuck Edwards that aims to cut federal funding for states and tribes that legalize marijuana, expressing frustration with Republicans’ stance on marijuana. They debunk false claims about cannabis and highlight its positive effects. They also talk about their painting activities, their love of a cannabis drink, and their exploration of self-understanding.

S2, E19: Real Monkey Business

Queenie and TT are in the relaxation zone with weed water on beautiful Cape Cod! This week, they delve deeper into their exploration of Alteressence as they vow to dance on the beach and perform a cleansing ritual to rid them of the distasteful orange menace. Laugh as you listen and learn along with Queenie and TT!

S2,E9: Who knew, Magoo???

In this week’s episode, TT shares some updates on cannabis-related news, including the NCAA panel’s recommendation to remove marijuana from the banned substances list for college athletes. Queenie challenges TT yet again with “Is it a Strain?” with this week’s selection, Blue Magoo, discussing its origins and effects. Who remembers the drink mix Funny Face? More to come on that!

S2, E8: Dank Meditation with Mary Jane

TT is reunited with her Honey and her Hexies. Queenie feels an unexpected sense of letdown with the announcement of long-awaited news. What about the 13th Floor? Join this rollicking jaunt that ends with a soothing meditation. 

S2, E7: Our guide to getting high on your next vacation (without getting arrested!)

It’s nearly summer, and that means summer vacation!  Take a trip with Queenie and TT as they give tips and pointers about enjoying cannabis on your vacation!  There’s lots of laughter amidst the great information they share. Listen. Learn. Laugh.

S2, E6: From Caterpillar BBQs to Baby Aspirin Highs: Trippy Tales from the Past

Queenie and TT share their experiences with medical procedures and the unpleasant taste of certain drinks used for preparation. They also discuss their childhood preferences for cherry cough syrup and orange baby aspirin (“They’re like sweet tarts- they’re so good. Yummy.” Tune in to find out about how Queenie’s mother reacted when she ate 20 baby aspirins and hear memories of caterpillars. Listen. Learn. Laugh.