S2, E52: Just Because You’re “Older” . . . Royale Flower to The Rescue!

Queenie and TT take this week’s show to Royale Flower Dispensary and speak with founder and CEO Christine Richardson.  Education, information, and a wide array of quality products in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere is what we found at Royale. Meet Christine and learn and laugh with us!

S2, E47: Queenie is Speechless: Hell Hath Frozen

Queenie has, for the first time in almost 50 years, been rendered speechless as she and TT discuss finger toes while experiencing the joy of Tangerine Cream. If you’ve ever wondered why people enjoy getting high, listen to this episode and relax into the hysterically funny musings and banter. We dare you not to smile!

S2, E46: I’m Going to Finish the Laundry

In this new episode, TT is delighted that Joe won a championship and she hopes that will be end of it! Queenie introduces TT to Ayrloom Apple Cider and is intrigued with the news about consumption lounges. Both Queenie and TT get piled up talking about moaning laundry.  Somehow, the folded laundry becomes…dirty. Listen. Learn. Laugh.